In this write-up, I will be demonstrating about an easy “Subdomain Takeover via Shopify” that anyone can possibly do following these steps. Even i had not done subdomain takeover via Shopify before this.
This is my first write-up on subdomain takeover in which i was easily able to claim 3 subdomains of an organization. Put my content on it and redirect their traffic to my site or any site.
Subdomain takeover is basically when an attacker gains control over subdomain of a target domain. For example- let’s say there is and it’s subdomain is Here, I was able to control and put any content on it which is an asset of
So, It was huge target with subdomains more then 500. I had made a script that scans the subdomains of target(both active and passive) and then scan for takeovers with few tools. So, I supplied on my Virtual Private Server (VPS) for scanning and left it overnight.
Next day, I got results where 3 of subdomains were vulnerable to Subdomain takeover. I had got lot’s of false positive before this but i don’t care about it. I am always fresh when i get sign of vulnerability and dig deep into. I browsed all of them and saw this.

Fig: Shows that this subdomain is vulnerable
Happy enough at this point! I quickly made a Shopify account which gives you 14 days trial to claim any vulnerable subdomain without needing credit card and claimed these subdomains which indeed was a successful attempt.

Fig: Claiming vulnerable subdomain as mine
As i said, It was not just one site. I had got three subdomains in same condition. So, claimed them as well.

Fig: Connected all three subdomain and redirected 2 of them to my main site
I was also able to redirect the traffic of those subdomains to my recently created I found this stuff very cool. Later, I went home from office and changed the content of site like this one. LOL😂

Fig: Takeover successful
Hope you liked reading my content and feel free to comment if you have any questions.
Peace out !!